is closed…
Thursday, April 25, 2024 4:26 am

After a decade of recording my life in blog entries, it has become apparent that the life of SideshoViD has run its course. Thank you to everyone who ever frequented my blog or left me a comment. It was always a joy to reach so many people for such little purpose.

Part of what killed my blog was the rise (and subsequent fall) of social media. So if you’d like to keep in touch, you can still find me there for the time being. As part of my exit from all social media platforms, I’ve been cutting and pasting content here, for archival purposes. I still think my content is good, so enjoy a random social media blast from the past below!

SideshoViD @sideshovid· Aug 25, 2014

Don’t mount your TV above the fireplace. IT’S TOO HIGH! #yourewelcome

Steal whatever you want :::: ©2005 SideshoViD